- cardboard
- black yarn
- gray paint
- paintbrush
- 4 clothespins
- googly eyes
- black marker
- scissors
- tape
- glue (we use tacky glue for more heavy duty crafts like this)
1. Start by cutting out the shape of a sheep body and a sheep face from your cardboard.
2. Paint your sheep face and your four clothespins with gray paint and set them aside to dry.
3. Secure the end of a long piece of black yarn onto the back of the
sheep with a piece of tape. Now wrap the yarn around your sheep in every
direction until the body is as covered as you can get it. Secure the
end of the yarn to the back of the sheep with another piece of tape.
4. Cut a small piece of black yarn and glue it at the top of your sheep
face. Glue googly eyes onto your sheep face and draw a nose and mouth
with your black marker.
5. Glue your the sheep face onto the front of the body. Let the glue
dry. Then clip the four clothespin legs onto the bottom of the sheep.
Depending on how thick your cardboard and yarn is, you may have to work
with balancing the clothespins to help the sheep stand up.
More ideas: